
How to make a referral to our service

If your child is aged between 6 to 19 years, has a recognised disability or care/support need, and lives in South West Northumberland, then they meet the criteria for involvement in our children and young people’s activity sessions.

Similarly, if an adult is aged 19 years and over, has a recognised disability or care/support need, and lives in South West Northumberland; then the criteria is met for involvement in our adult activity sessions.

We aim to meet the needs of as many children, young people and adults with additional needs living in South West, Northumberland as possible. We recognise the range of care and health needs and differing levels of financial support provided to families/carers.

The summary below provides information for parents/carers and professionals about the criteria and process for referral to our service.

Step One

Does the child, young person or vulnerable adult meet one of these criteria?

  • They have an allocated Social Worker OR
  • They are in receipt of a Personal Budget/Direct Payments
  • They have an EHCP (Early Help Care Plan)

Step Two

If YES then please follow the guidelines in Section A, B or C below for specific referral process

Step Three

If NO, don’t worry, there are other methods of involving them in Wecan,  please follow the guidelines in Section D below.

Please Note:

If after reading this document you are in any doubt which method of referral to follow to refer your child, please contact the Wecan office on 01434 214001 or by email at where a member of staff will be happy to guide you.

Your named Social Worker can refer your child via Northumberland County Council’s Family Support Team. Adults can be referred via Northumberland County Council. Please contact your Social Worker to discuss a referral.

The Social Worker will discuss with you the aims of your child’s or adults involvement in WECAN and recommend the frequency of their attendance to the sessions

Following the social worker making a referral to the Family Support Team, the WECAN Service Delivery Manager will arrange to meet with you and your child/adult to discuss their individual care needs and agree the objectives of their involvement in our activity sessions.

The cost of your child/adult’s involvement in sessions via this referral method are met by Direct Payments which your Social Worker will arrange to be set up for you. Please remember though, that as a registered Charity WECAN relies on regular donations by parents/carers to fund the increasing cost of activities. Please speak to the WECAN team if you would like to donate to our general running costs.

If your child/adult already has a Personal Budget or is in receipt of Direct Payments you can contact us directly on 01434 214001 or email to request a referral for them to participate in our activity sessions.

When you make contact, you will be asked to complete some information forms. Once these forms are complete, we will arrange to meet with you and your child/adult to discuss their individual care needs and plan the objectives of their involvement. 

Where necessary, we will liaise with other professionals involved in the care and support of your child or adult for additional information to help make a decision as to whether WECAN is appropriate for your child or adult.

Once attending the activity sessions you will be invoiced on a monthly basis with the cost of their attendance to each session.


If your child attends a specialist school for SEN children and has an EHCP, then you should contact your Social Worker or named professional writing the EHCP to request to attend WECAN activity sessions, it willthen be written into their plan. This plan can then be used to secure Direct Payments to fund your childs place at WECAN.

  • If you are the parent/carer of a child/adult without an allocated Social Worker or Direct Payments we have specific funds available to support your child/adult’s involvement in activity sessions on a fortnightly basis.
  • Please contact Wecan direct on 01434 214001 to discuss referral of your child/adult or email
  • When you make contact, you will be asked to complete some information form. Once these forms are complete, the team at WECAN will arrange to meet with you and your child/adult to discuss their individual care needs and agree objectives. Where necessary, we will liaise with other professionals involved in the care and support of your child or adult for additional information to help make a decision whether WECAN is suitable for your child or adult.
  • Whilst the main cost of your child/adults participation in sessions will be covered by Wecan, you are asked to pay a session fee to assist with the cost of activities.


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